Tuesday 6 December 2011

Ika Atikah

haha.. this is my Twitter..
twit.. twit..

and this is my Facebook..
'muka buku'

all use IKA ATIKAH !
 haha.. i just love my name..
but i'm not obsess with my name..
just LIKE

End =P

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Keroro !

i don't know why..
why.. why..
i'm just crazy of KERORO!
since i know about keroro..
i just fall for it..
that frog just look so cute..
or kute..
i just loveee.. keroro..

my fav one is GERORO..
the red color.. and tough..
just like that one..
ohh.. geroro..♥♥♥ 

Sunday 13 November 2011

Yong Jun Hyung

how cute he is !!!
that why i'm crazy of he !
so cute.. handsome..
weird attitude.. (hehe)
but he cool what..
known as the best male rapper !

The End =P

MYNAME (마이네임)

i just know they're name..
they were cute and handsome..
good looking what!
and they were,,
a little bit new..
new band..

they are..
Lee GunWoo
Kim SeYong
Kang JoonKyu
Kang InSoo
ChaeJin Seok

and guest what! 
KimSeYong same birthday with me!!!
how happy i'am..
is our birthday date..
November GO GO!!!

some cute picture of him !!!
and he look so cute !!!
the end =P

Friday 11 November 2011

LED Apple - How Dare You

just fall in love with them LED Apple !!!
and i love apple!
all apple thing !
but my phone is Samsung!
but just want to say that they are HOT!
how ever to all kpop fan please support them !
and give them many and more love~~

 jae hoon (vocal)
kyu min (rap)
young joon (guitar)
kwang yeon (bass)
hyo suk (drum)

Friday 2 September 2011

Welcome To U-Kiss Neverland~

U-Kiss Neverland Album 

U-Kiss Main Picture Album
U-Kiss Main Song and Music Video (MV)

01. Intro
02. Neverland
03. Baby Don’t Cry
04. Someday
05. Take Me Away
06. On The Floor
07. Friend’s Love
08. April Story
09. Obsession
10. Top That
11. Tell Me Y
12. Let’s Meet Again (U-KISS with PARAN)

On September 1st, U-KISS finally revealed their second full-length album, “NEVERLAND“!
Composed of 13 tracks, the album includes some great production talent from the likes of Ryan Jhun,JD Relic, and many others. “NEVERLAND” aims to showcase U-KISS’s growth as artists, and listeners will definitely be able to grasp that after running through the entire album.
To: U-Kiss
I just want to say congratulation to you-all
your fans were hope that you-all success with this new album !
 fighting.. fighting.. fighting.. !!!
do your best and don't let your fans lose hope at u..
cuz we all love u so much !

and thank you for your new album~

Tuesday 23 August 2011

JunHyung B2ST can sing !

you all must watch this video !
at the last view in this video was he sing in his old group.. 

to the people who know this handsome guy..
he actually can sing !  
and his voice really nice !
just wonderful..
arhh.. i just don't know how to explained
it just nice..
i just wonder..
why.. and why !
he hide his voice..
and just Rap ?

and just want to make sure you all know that 
before he in B2ST..
he was in another group..
named XING !
and in that team..
he was not Rap..
but he actually sing.. 
only a little laa..
but he sing !

but he still cool with Rap !
he had nice skills in that..
so.. let he be..
he good in Rap what !
just awesome !
no !
very awesome !

this is my favorite part that he sang !
i just love it !

to our JunHyung B2ST..
no matter what you do.. 
singing.. Rapping.. Dancing..
or what ever..
your fans still love you !
(and i loved you more !)
you just make sure..
you happy with your decision !
and we all still support and loved you..
always.. =P 

Teen Top L.Joe hair look like ajumma~

as you know.. (to the one who know him)
and as you can see..
his hair look like ajumma.. (aunt)
with his curly hair..
i just don't know what to say.. hehe..
but actually L.Joe is very handsome !   
i can beat anyone..
maybe by other handsome guy can beat he..
like.. my JunHyung B2ST..
LeeJoon MBLAQ..
EunHyuk SJ..
JongHyun SHINee..
who know..???

what i want to say that he actually 
handsome.. cool.. and awesome
but the only problem is.. his new hair style..

just want to show 1,2 his
awesomeness picture.. 

to L.Joe..
the fans still love you..
still love your hair..
(but i more like your straight hair.. )
but to the other's..?
who know..? hehe..
so.. keep loving your self
love u.. =P

Thursday 18 August 2011

JunSeob Couple ♥

이 노래를 사랑하고 내가이 사람 - junseob -
사랑요 팬들 노래를 주셔서 감사합니다 .. ~
우리는 항상 B2ST 지원!
감사합니다 ~
파이팅 !

Sunday 14 August 2011

Lee Chong Wei Fighting !

ohhh today got badminton games!
ChongWei vs LinDan

to ChongWei..
but it OK if ChongWei lose.. 
but we know that you already do your best !
so keep it up !
do your best !

and for LinDan !
hey you !
no need to showoff laa..
you thing good 'sangat' ? laa..
but HELLO !
ChongWei is the best badminton player in THE WORLD !
don't you think by winning this game 
you'll be the best !
talk to a shit cat laa..
and you are

Saturday 13 August 2011


i don't know today what make me feel so angry..
many time i try to smile
but i can't..
i just don't know why i feel like this bad..
i think that i didn't do anything that wrong..
what wrong with me today ?!
i just hope that tomorrow i will not feel just like this !

i just feel want to cry..
cry.. shout.. sleep..
why ????
ok i'm done !

Thursday 11 August 2011

OMG ! it's ELI...~

Oh My God !!!
i just get a new picture of ELI !!!
ohh damn crazy !
why im so obsess with him?! 
just see his pictures i get so damn crazy..
it make people around me ask me to quiet !
omg i just can't take it anymore !!!
his damn cute.. handsome.. sweet voice..
ohh.. i just can't forget his face ! his voice ! and everything !
ohh.. man.. please help me dud !
it ok atikah.. take a deep breath..
again and again..

i'll show his picture.. 
so you can see how cuddly he is !

[Eng Sub] MTV Beast Almighty Ep 7 Cut Junhyung & Pikachu

bored thing~

ahh.. fasting.. it make me feel tired..
and if i feel tired.. it make me bored..
so bored like death !
when im bored.. i will do.. like..
taking picture.. watch video.. dancing..
but all of that, i already do !
bored < 3
so i put some picture.. enjoy~

call me sleepy head

Monday 8 August 2011

new hair cut~

i just cut new hair today~
it will be more shorter then before..
i hope nobody going to mad at me.. 
what ?!
i just love to cut hair..
it's makes me look a difference !  
so it's good for me what !
what i know is.. that..
I Love My Hair !!!

Sunday 7 August 2011

hurt again !

today i'm hurting again!!!!
and.. by tomorrow i can't fasting !!
why.. tell me why.. (just kidding)
i thing by tomorrow i'm not coming to school..
aiyoo.. very hard laa..
tomorrow had some folio to do.. ish < 3
don't know wah.. just pray to god only..
bye =P

i love Beijing

just some picture of me..
wearing "I Love Beijing"
after all the t-shirt someone gave me..
hope you like.. ♥♥♥

Thursday 4 August 2011

Ouak quak~

i wandering how quak quak today.. has she miss me ?? haha.. 
cuz i miss bulling she at school.. haha.. 
tomorrow i thing she will come to school cuz.. tomorrow had the literature drama.. so i will came.. so i and my friend will not fell so bored~ haha.. ohh God.. i fill so happy..  

if you happy 
and you know 
you clap your hand ~ 
(clap clap)

haha.. i'm happy.. =P

OMG~ my computer password already change !!! my biggest brother already know that i knew the password.. so he change it to a word that i don't know.. so now it's hard for me to use computer to online.. huhu.. why this world so cruel to me..

haha.. nothing laa.. 
as usual i'm not going to mosque because i'm a little busy.. haha..
jahat nyerr.. =P

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Why the hell it is ???

you know! i'm still young but why so many people call me "nenek" and then i got angry..! so.. i call them back like.. "makcik" "pakcik".. haha..
it's like the world called me that ! even my big brother.. even so i didn't had even child.. then why the hell they call me that !
hoo.. this is weird ! but.. i like it.. haha..
but i'm not that mad.. it was fun.. call people those thing.. but.. to my friend's.. don't get mad at me.. i just playing.. and i'm not mad.. WHT ! why i'm saying that ! i'm mad.. no i'm not.. just joking.. hehe.. be happy laa human..
so that you not get stress.. by me! haha.. just kidding.. =P

Tuesday 2 August 2011

i was really sick !

today i was sick ! realy damm sick.. so what to do.. i still fasting so i can't eat anything.. u know how sad i'm right now !.. so i not going to school (ST. Mary) today.. what use i go there.. i'll sleep and gave teachers mad .. so better just stay home and do nothing.. like just now..
help me !!! i'm bored ! please ask me do something usefull.. but please don't ask me to sleep !
i'm tired of it.. just for right now.. hehe.. =P

this is my first day opened a new account (blog).. this blog i'll use for my friend, siblings and also a new friend.. hope there someone who follow my blog.. bye2..